Now that Chase is 2 months old here is what is happening in his world...
He can hold his head up very well
He smiles and giggles all the time
He's very ticklish
He loves bath time
He is very responsive to his brother and enjoys watching him
He coos and 'talks' a lot
He enjoys sucking on his hands and/or pacifier
He usually wakes up three times a night (he'll go to bed around 8pm and wake up at 10:30pm, 3:30 and 5am and gets up for the day around 7am)
He wears size 6 month clothes (although I occasionally squeeze him into 3-6 month stuff just so I can get some use out of it)
We have his two month well check on Tuesday so I'll update with his weight and height than. I'm expecting that he'll measure very big! He has lots and lots of rolls and chins!
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