Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Best gift idea...

The boys received a very special package today from someone very special and what did it contain??? Inflatable football players! What could be better for two rowdy little boys in the dead of winter? They spent the entire day getting to know their new inflatable friends, tackling them mostly. Although by the end of the day they had grown quite attached (Colby even insisted on taking his upstairs while he took a shower with daddy). Jason said he felt a little awkward taking a shower in front of these guys. :D

Friday, March 25, 2011

Here Chasey is pointing out the toys he would like me to buy for him...

Now that Chasey is 2 1/2 I figure it's time to get rid of the bottle. I've tried different methods and this morning I decided to just attach the cap without the nipple (we are down to two and I REFUSE to buy more).

Chasey (the determined little bugger) just drank it anyway.

We went to the fish fry at the local Catholic Church. We aren't Catholic but this has become a tradition for our whole family...

Suka and her two man fan club. (I remember coming with my brothers when they were this age, crazy how time flies!)

Me and Bob, oh how I love her. :D

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Special Ride...

Suka was kind enough to make room in her car for us so we could go to Patrick's birthday party. Colby ADORES Spanky and was absolutely thrilled she was sitting on his lap.

Spanky wasn't quite as excited about it...

Colby was trying to resist a nap, Spanky gave in to the temptation...

Chasey adores Bob and was more than happy to hold her hand...

...the entire drive...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day with the boys...

We started our day at The Wildlife Experience. Being here always reminds me of my Auntie Cindy's beautiful wedding day (we celebrated the reception here. It was amazing!)

We went to see the dolphin movie and treated ourselves to some popcorn. Delicious! (Chasey is a popcorn addict!)

When we got home Chasey made some time for reading stories...

Than it was time for basketball!!

Yes...there was a brief period in which we kept the basketball hoop in the playroom upstairs. The day I heard the chandelier jingling with every shot attempt I decided we better move it downstairs...

Daddy and Chasey...

Chasey practicing his dribbling...

Mommy and Chasey...

Me and the boys...what a lucky girl I am!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chasey the Goof...

This kid will do anything for a laugh! He wore Colby's St. Patrick's day hat for the entire day, Colby didn't even try it on. They are completely different boys!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Before any family outing Jason and I need to treat ourselves to a little caffeine kick. We decided to load up the boys too (JUST KIDDING! They got milk! I am wild and crazy but not THAT crazy!)

Looks like Colby is sippin on his joe too...

Finally ready to bowl, just need Colby to set down his trash truck first....

There we go, now we can grab the ball with two hands...

...which ball to choose???

Daddy giving Chasey some man to man pointers.

Before long Chasey invented his very own bowling style...

What's better than a giant platter of fries?!

Family Bowling Day is FUN FUN FUN!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Best dog EVER...

While I won't lie, Bauer's hair makes me feel like I'm losing my mind...I can't deny...he is an AMAZING dog. He is so patient with the boys. He allows them to lay on him, play with his ears, pull on his tail, touch his teeth and patiently lies there allowing the torture and, I think, actually enjoying it. He is only 13 months old and yet has only chewed a couple of their toys. We couldn't have asked for a better dog.


It doesn't matter if it's Jason's combat boots or my high heels Chasey wants to try them all on!
 He loves shoes!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Preschool Trip to the Firehouse...

The boys had a blast when we went to the Castle Rock firehouse with Colby's preschool class. Chasey fit right in with the other kids, you'd never know he's only 2. Colby was brave enough to sit in the fire engine this time, a big step for him. At one point the fireman put on all of his gear to show the kids they don't have to be afraid of him...they were all terrified. Except one boy and Chasey who wanted to give him high 5's. Chasey looked over and asked me, "am (may) I hug him?" And sure enough, he did! Colby...not so much...