Saturday, November 29, 2008

15 Month Well Check

(I'm a little late in posting this, we had this appointment on the 25th of November)

This picture was taken after the nurse practitioner left, he was not crazy about her!!!
He took his shot like a champ! He didn't eve cry! Just got a little teary eyed but all was fine after a long snuggle from mommy!

Now that Colby is 15 months old here are the things that are happening in our world...
He weighed 25 and 1/2 pounds and was 31 and 1/2 inches tall (puts him in the 75th percentile for both)
Likes are much of the same - eating (he has recently tried scotch a roos and is a big fan of those), bath time, reading stories, being chased, hide and go seek, kitchen utensils (especially the silicone basting brush - that thing is worth it's weight in gold!), reorganizing drawers and cabinets, car cell phone chargers and hangers
He loves to help with laundry, handing me clothes and shaking them out and of course closing the dryer door!
Loves brushing teeth
He is turning into quite the avid reader and books have now become his favorite 'toy' his favorite includes a nursery rhyme book from my mom and any cook book he can get his hands on
Can throw balls really well and has quite an arm! They are his second favorite play thing
Loves to kiss little bro as often as he gets the chance
He is showing more of an interest in walking in the past few days, he will walk all through the room using the walls for a little extra support
Can now reach door knobs (uh oh!) but fortunately doesn't know how to turn them yet
Can stand unassisted but chooses not to most of the time
Tolerates wearing shoes and socks now
Says 'mama', 'dada' and 'nana' (banana) and many other unintelligible words. He talks all the time! But mostly uses the point and whine technique to indicate 'I want that' and the shaking/excited technique to indicate 'yes'
Loves animal noises and can grunt like a hog and growl like a bear
He really doesn't have a lot of dislikes, he is such an easy going kid. But a few that come to mind are...large Christmas decorations (he especially hates the blow up yard ones - he will furiously shake his head back and forth and cling on to any near adult for protection), he doesn't like to be touched by strangers, especially doctors (this is not something that will be helped much when we get his filling this week!), he cries occasionally when we put him down but other than that is a pretty easy going guy

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