Friday, December 31, 2010

Little Cowboys...

Partners in Crime!

Little Outlaw...

Best Buddies...

Snugs for Bro...

Wide eyed and ready for adventure!

Look at thos dimples!

Happy Trails...
This was my view as I came up the stairs...

The stockshow is in town and apparently the memo has gotten to Colby and Chasey! I remember the days when I couldn't keep a hat on their heads and now they won't take them off. Chasey looks like a little outlaw, Colby looks like that nerdy kid at school who never outgrew his cowboy stage (because his is about two sizes too small!). Anyone that knows me knows I am anything but western (much to my mom's dismay), that influence has come entirely from my parents and brothers. I think it's fair to say the boys will be a little more cowboy than I ever was!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Precious Slade...

Slade allowed me to have quite the photo shoot with him. He is such a good baby! He is such a precious little boy and I thank God for him. What a blessing he has become for so many people! Congratulations again Steve and Mindy!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Colby woke up first and was being very patient so we decided to let him open a few of his presents while he was waiting for Chasey. Bauer wanted to be part of the action too!

Here Bauer is deep in conversation with Jason while Colby is driving his new car on Bauer's back...

Finally our sleepy head, Chasey, woke up. He dug right into his stocking.

Colby had to take a break from opening presents to read his new fish books, they were a hit!

Chasey tried on his boxing gloves...

Chasey loved his new shark hat! He wears this everytime we go out, I think he loves it because he gets so much attention. It is really cute!

Chasey loved his new shirt from Aunt Jana!

Colby was more than excited about his purple octopus (yes, the mean one from Toy Story 3, he is obsessed with it - so weird!)...

Here he is jumping up and down as I am opening it...

This is when the excitement  has reached out of control level, he is so happy he can't even keep his eyes open!

Gram and Grandma and Unc came over for some Christmas celebrating. Chasey was more than happy to help Gram open her Christmas presents....

Bob joined us too, you know it's a party if Bob's here!

4 Generations!

Colby had to give his boxing gloves a try too...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve...

I know this picture is blurry but I thought it looked kind of cool. We decided to go with colored Christmas lights this year, last year we did the white LEDs and our house looked like a runway strip! The full moon was so beautiful. It made me think of the star above Jesus' manger. If God can make a moon this bright, what did the star look like?!

Here is the same picture with the flash on, it looks much cooler with it off if you ask me!

'The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...' You can see Santa's plate...the boys decided to give Santa crackers instead of cookies, looks like Santa doesn't descriminate! All Chasey could say on Christmas morning was, "Santa drank the milk all gone?!" I think a part of him was hoping Santa would save a sip or two for Chasey!

There is something about Christmas Eve, everything looks more magical!

The note that Santa left for the boys...


Sleepy boy

Colby's Christmas tree, it has the M&M lights on it. My mom was nice enough to give these lights to me, they are the same ones I would decorate my room with when I was little.

My other sleeping angel...

Chasey's Christmas tree...

Bauer came with me to check on the boys, what a great guard dog!

He also wanted his picture taken by the Christmas tree...
We had a very busy Christmas Eve, Jason worked all day and met us at home to drive up to Nonnie and Poppa's. There we had a blast, catching up with family we don't see often enough and eating AMAZING Italian food. We stopped by Jason's Grandpa's on our way home. It was wonderful to see that side of the family as well, they have such open hearts and are always happy to see us. I really thought I took pictures but haven't run across them yet. As soon as I do, I'll add them to this post!