Friday, October 29, 2010

Let the Halloween Festivities Begin!

I was worried I might have to work on Halloween night so I was determined to maximize the Halloween fun. We started our day at The Children's Museum.

Colby refused to wear his costume, what a bummer. Now that he's three I am choosing my battles and I decided that forcing him to wear a costume would not be a good battle to choose.

Fit in time for a photo opp.

I took several pictures in this pose and not one of them has both boys looking in my direction, the challenges of the mamarazzi.

This was as good as I could get. They still are pretty cute though!

Exploring the Children's Museum forest. Way cool.

Chasey, "wooshing down da slide" (as he would put it)

I don't care that this picture is blurry, you can still see Colby's huge grin. This was starting out to be a great day!

Chasey was cooking up a little something here. He walked over to me and said, "this is lilly hot" (he doesn't always say his r's and when he says 'hot' it's always with a British accent, not sure where that came from)

We met mommy's friend from work, Mandie, and her adorable son, Ethan. She is pregnant. You'd never know it by her tiny, adorable body! She just found out she's having a girl! Our playdates will get really fun when we can add a little more estrogen to the group!

Chasey thought he'd take a little nap on this tiny bunk bed.

They had a little dance studio area, I didn't think the boys would be interested...I was wrong! My boys were dancing fools! Even cautious Colby cut a rug. It was adorable. I have since been researching dance studios, determined to get them into break dancing.

Here you can really see how Colby was moving and a' groovin'

The Children's Museum was awesome, but got really crowded so we decided it was time to go. We had to park really far away and wouldn't you know it, the second we walked out of the museum the boys leggies were too tired. Mandie (who had her hands full with Ethan and all of our goodies) watched as I attempted and succeeded in carrying my two boys (total of around 75 pounds) four blocks to my car. I learned my lesson, we'll bring a wagon next time!

Next we met Suka, Ty Ty, Dan Dan and his friend at Cold Stone, nothing like a little ice cream to fuel us up for our next adventure!

Trick or Treat in the Street! The town of Castle Rock's businesses all hand out candy to the kids. It is a blast and really helps the boys get the hang of the whole trick or treating thing.

Of course they wanted to eat each piece of candy as it was handed to them...

We did a lot of walking, it was time to rest the leggies.

Do you see the creepy clown in the corner of the picture? It was the spookiest decoration I've ever seen! It was motorized and shook like it had tremors, it was super scary.

There was also a mummy. Equally creepy.

Of course the boys were fascinated by them so we had to watch for awhile...keeping our distance of course.

Next we met daddy at Red Robbin!

This place has one of the best views in Castle Rock

A little brotherly love.

For those of you that don't live in Colorado, this is the Castle Rock that the city we live in is named after.

Daddy and his mini me.

Mommy and Chasey (who is now being deliriously silly)
The weather in Colorado has been absolutely amazing, it is unheard of to not even need to wear coats this time of year but you can see, we didn't need to bundle up at all! I have to say, doing stuff like this is the best part of being a mom. It is so fun to watch the boys experience new things.

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