Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2009 Spinder Family Reunion

It's hardly a reunion since we hang out with each other all year long but it is really fun to get up in the mountains and enjoy God's beautiful creation...all while hanging out with really fun people! Here are a few (AKA: TON) of pictures from the trip...

Daddy, Mama and Chase
Daddy, Mama and Colby
It's really hard to see, but across the river there was a mommy deer with her brand new little baby deer! It was so cute!
The boys enjoyed hanging out with Sami in her camper, especially since she had a beta fish in there. Colby was always asking to go see Tango the fish.
Chase baby loves the moshie pillow, it's soft and squishy just like he is!
Colby has a new obsession with the vaccum. He just can't get enough. He was happy as a clam in a camper just vaccuming away! I'm going to start putting him to work at our house now!
Sami and Chase
It was rainy and miserable the first morning we were in Glenwood so we decided to go into town. There is a really fun shop called the, "Souix Villa Curio Shop" It's full of all sorts of things you never knew you needed and at the front of the shop there is a really scary Indian. We torture everyone by making them take a picture with the Indian. I remember standing in that same spot with Daniel when he was a baby...he was a puddle of tears because he was so afraid of that scary looking thing! As you can see he's outgrown his fear! Colby was definately not a fan but he didn't cry. What a brave boy!
It was here that Colby found his first toy train and he was OBSESSED! He couldn't wait to play with it and had to take it for a test drive in the store...
Colby kept saying, "Train!"
Chase spending some bonding time with Aunt Cathy...
Just makes me want to kiss those cheeks!
Happy Baby!
Colby's first view of a fish that was caught. He was not too sure what to think, but he was DEFINATELY not going to touch it...
Colby really got to know my cousin Dakota this trip. It was so fun to watch them bond. When Dakota was a baby I developed this really unique bond with him. He was a very fussy, colic baby but I was able to get him to calm down. He was like my little baby. He has turned into such a neat kid. Colby absolutely adored him. He was really patient with Colby too. For days after the trip Colby kept asking me for, "Coco" (oh, and Colby was also obsessed with the air compressor, a man and his machine!!!)
We accidentally left the backpack at home and I couldn't resist buying another sling. This one is huge so hopefully I can carry Chase in it for awhile...
After the rainy morning there was a beautiful rainbow, God is so good...

Chase was doing some stretching in the tiny bathtub in my parent's camper...
Colby was pointing out the obvious (Chase's nipples)
Chase got to pick out his new toothbrush...
Decision made. He couldn't wait till it got out of the package to test it out!
There ya go! He is so smart, already knows how to brush his teeth.
The paci still wins though.
Colby loves his Uncle Roger who has unending patience for an active little toddler!
Chase snuggling with Bob by the fire...
We tried to wear out Colby's little legs by taking him for a walk, of course he had to bring train!
Matching fellas...
Jason pushing the boys down the beautiful path...
Out VERY smart little baby!
Ahhhh, tickles from Bob feel so good...
The Webco family (Weber/Turco)
Our happy little family...
The Hudnall Family
The Butch Spinder family, what goof balls!
A few of the people in our family that are having tooth issues. Tyler, who had it knocked out during a hockey game, Butch who had it knocked out in an ATV accident, Brooke who just lost a few of her teeth and Sandi who had her's knocked out during a bike accident...
Cool Dude
The Mark Spinder Family
(minus Elayne, she had to get back to Denver for a birthday party)
The Hartman Family
(minus Rob who wasn't able to come up to Glenwood)
Colby got brave enough to pet Spanky. She is such a good natured dog that she allowed it.
Another couple pics of a cool dude

The Weber family and Bob, oh how we love her!
Bella and Annie, best buds
Colby adored the little girls. He wouldn't let go of their hands!

Jake and Chase
When I went to get Colby from Aunty Cindy and Uncle Roger for his bath he was holding both of their hands and he just started walking backwards, pulling them along with him. I had no idea he could walk backwards that well! He did not want to stop playing with them!
Naked Chase before his bath, he was ready to pound it...
Sandi, Nikki and I decided to take the boys on an 8 mile walk in the middle of the day (what were we thinking?!) Here are a few pictures from that adventure...
Chase and Colby ready for out long walk...
The water was so high and so loud, it was really something to see that river flow like that...
Oh No Nikki! Don't jump in!!
The beautiful canyon...
Uh oh, the path is flooded, what will we do????
Walk right on through it, we're brave and tough chicks. A little water won't scare us away! First Nikki and I walked through to make sure it wasn't too deep. It got to be about thigh high (which actually felt good because it was so hot). So Sandi carried Chase, I carried Colby and Nikki carried the stroller and we went right on through...
The fell asleep during the walk but we had to wake them up to carry them through the water, poor guys!
After getting through the flood we came to this gate, undetered and determined not to walk through the water we climbed right over (stroller and all).
By that point we were all getting tired and hot and really regreting our decision to take on such a long walk. Fortunately my phone had a tiny bit of juice left and we were able to get service in one tiny area just long enough for me to yell "pick us up and Grizzly Creek, we're pooped!!" We were never so happy to see the car when it arrived!

Colby has discovered how to climb up onto couches and chairs, sometimes he needs a little help getting down though (here he is signing for help)...
The highlight of the trip for Colby was seeing the train. It sparked a totally new interest in him and now he is obsessed. When we got home he sifted through all of his books and picked out any and all of them that even mention trains and has me read them to him. When he finds something he likes he becomes obsessed!!!
Pointing to the train...
Chase was labled, "watermelon boy" because he is shaped a little bit like one. Here he is trying to eat it before it's even cut...
Chase really enjoyed being in the pack and play for a little while. He loves to roll around so it was a nice break from being held. He also loves the feeling of the mesh on his little hands and face.
He thinks he's so funny!
Finally it was time to go home after an amazing trip. Everyone was wiped out...

We enjoyed it so much we are even going to look into getting a camper or tent trailor for next year. We are blessed to live in the beautiful state of Colorado!

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