Monday, May 4, 2009

Chase Baby's BIG Accomplishment....

This has been a very big week for Chase baby. He started sleeping in his own room on Thursday (April 30th) and has been sleeping through the night since! Today I decided to try to put him down for his nap unswaddled and he did GREAT! He slept for 2 hours. I think I was swaddling him for him as much as I was doing it for me. I was afraid to not swaddle him thinking he wouldn't be able to sleep, turns out he did just fine. Now that I'm actually getting some rest the quality of my life has improved 100%. I forgot how great I feel when I've had some rest!


Anna said...

Ash, I'm SO happy for you! I remember what a relief and accomplishment it was when we were able to stop swaddling Noah. It was such a security thing for ME -- I'm not even sure he really needed it anymore! He's so so sweet and beautiful. Love the outfit. Noah had a shortsleeve romper version in the same material when he was littler.

Mary said...

I love sleeping baby pictures, and I am nervous to have a newborn to keep me up at night again.