Motor Skills
Chase is now rolling from front to back and back to front. I am not used to a rolly poly baby! I lay a blanket down on the floor for him and within seconds he's off of it. He's rolling himself under tables too. I just can't believe he is so mobile. It is hard for me to get used to since Colby was over 6 months old when he rolled from tummy to back (something Chase did when he was a little over 4 months old) and waited until he was well past 9 months to roll the other way! Chase can sit unsupported for a few moments at a time too. He loves to play with his toes and can grab objects near him and bring them to him (his hand eye coordination is really good for such a young little fellow). Everything that he can get his hands on goes immediately in his mouth (another thing that's new for me since Colby never put anything in his mouth). He has perfected the jump in the jump-a-roo and is a wild man in that thing.Dislikes
When he is put down to sleep in his crib, when he's hungry and not being fed fast enough. When he's done in the exersaucer or jumparoo and isn't picked up promptly.Sleep
He is still the king of micronaps. He will sleep for longer periods of time when he's in the swing. We will put him down around 8 or so and than he cries at 8:30 so I feed him again and put him down again and he'll usually stay down until 1 or so and than he's in bed with us, tossing and turning until I finally give up on sleep and get up with him. I sware he's the only baby in the world that only requires 5 hours of sleep a day. Size
Wears mostly 9 month clothes and 6 month onsies. He weighs 19.8 pounds completely naked!
Loved it! Chase is so so so cute! Logan and I watched the video of him rolling over and Colby loving on him 3 times - Logan kept saying "more, more"
I loved how you mentioned that 1 year ago you were trying to wrap your head around the fact that you were going to have another baby, and now you can't imagine your life without him. Crazy how life does that to us!...I think you should go for #3! :)
Your boys are so amazing! I cant believe how fast they are growing up - blog style!
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