Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My mom's amazing green thumb.

When I was in North Carolina, the week before I had Colby my mom came out to visit me. Every morning I would gently wake my mom (tell her, NO, I'm NOT in labor) and we would go for a long walk before the heat and humidity took over. We walked around this one neighborhood that had several bushes of these beautiful purple plants. She snapped off a branch, took it back to our apartment and kept it in a water bottle in the bathroom. There it sat for over a week while I eventually had Colby and than waited while he was in the Intensive Care Unit (extending my mom and Bob's trip). When it was finally time for her to go she wrapped the little branch in a wet paper towel and packed it right into her suitcase. Somehow, it made it to Colorado alive. In Colorado she tended to the roots and eventually got a plant to grow, from that plant she made more and more and now has several around her barn. She even had enough to make me three little pots just full of it! I love this plant because it's so girly, purple leaves (or leaf-es as Chasey calls them) and delicate pink flowers. But what I love the most about this plant is thinking about my mom and how she created so much out of that one tiny branch. Here is one of those plants 4 years later...pretty incredible. 

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