Thursday, February 25, 2010

Colby is two and a half!

My card reader isn't working on the computer (AGAIN!) so this post will be picture-less but I thought I would post an update on what Colby is doing now...
Size: He weighs 34.5 pounds! He is getting so tall and can now reach everything!
Food: Despite his size he is not a very good eater. I am lucky to get one meal in him a day. He loves drinking milk though! He will occasionally eat a granola bar or some pasta but generally it changes on a day to day basis. He doesn't have any favorite foods anymore which has become a challenge!
Likes: He loves being on the go, loves to go shopping especially when it's just mommy and him. He loves his banks, toot and car blankie (all names for special blankets). Still loves pup and his "little Woody" doll has become a favorite friend. He loves going to Suka's (my mom) house and loves to go to "Gram's" (the Egg and I where she works and spoils him rotten). He is still an avid reader and loves cars and trains. His favorite movies are Finding Nemo and Toy Story 2. He always asks me to sing for him (top requests being, This Little Light of Mine and the Toy Story Song) and loves it when I do Santa impressions. He absolutely adores his little brother and has started wrestling with him, so it begins!
Dislikes: He is just such an easy going kid that this is a really hard category. He still has a bit of stranger anxiety but is usually up for trying anything.
Speech: He is such a talker now! He says full sentences and has quite the vocabulary. He can also sing several songs including; Jesus Loves Me, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jesus Loves the Little Children, The Wise Man Built His House, B-I-B-L-E and Ring Around the Rosy. He has become quite the little encourager. When I finish unloading the dishwasher he'll say (very enthusiastically) "Good Job Mommy!" He is also great about saying, "Bless You!" after someone sneezes. His manners come in waves. Sometimes he'll do great with using them other times he'll forget. His favorite things to talk about are Chasey and Dan Dan (my brother).
Motor: He is getting to be quite the climber and losing a little of that fear. He can now climb onto our counter height chairs and than on to the table or counter. He walks up stairs now (holding on to the rail of course) and will sometimes walk down them but usually schooches down on his buns. He loves to hop around. He is getting better in this department but still has earned the nickname, Cautious Colby.

I can't believe he is already two and a half. I can't imagine my life without him. It is amazing to see the reaction from people when he flashes his dimple laden smile and broken tooth! He is irresistible and super affectionate. Not a day goes by that he doesn't say, "I love YOU Mommy!" (with extra emphasis on the 'you' part!). We are so blessed!

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