Size: He is now wearing 18 month clothes. I haven't weighed him but I would estimate him to be around 27 or 28 pounds. He has the cutest little Buddha figure with his big round tummy and his bubble buns. Although he is losing a little of his bulk in his legs and is losing those rolls I love so much!
Motor: He is of course walking and running everywhere, he loves to climb in things that aren't meant to be climbed in (ie: the dishwasher, the oven, drawers, the dryer, ect.), he is able to walk up and down stairs (holding on to the banister) - this just amazes me because Colby has just started walking down stairs! Chasey also is able to slide down stairs on his belly faster than I can jog down them, he gets a kick out of that too!
Speech: I am continuously amazed at his speech development. Everyone says it happens quicker with the second baby but it still catches my by surprise. He now says, ball, baba (bottle), nana (banana), mama, dada (he loves to point us out in pictures), uh oh, up, hi, bye bye, and his newest word...bubble (because we have an obsession with Mr. Bubbles at this house!).
Likes: He loves oranges (he calls them balls) and bananas, he also likes lasagna and of course loves his bottles. Despite his rather rotund figure he really doesn't eat that much. He does not like tomatoes or salad. He likes apples but chokes on the peel. He still loves his paci (as you can see in the following pictures) but I'm trying to limit it to naps and bedtime. He has a special bear that he sleeps with and likes to carry around with him. He likes to be held and is especially clingy when I get home from work (something I just love!), he does snuggle but isn't as overtly affectionate as Colby which makes the kisses and snuggles he does pass out extra special! He is OBSESSED with balls, baseball, basketball, soccer balls, he loves balls and points out anything even remotely round as a ball.
Dislikes: He is an easy going baby I really can't think of anything!
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