Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Adventures of Two Brothers...

It is so amazing to watch the boy's friendship grow each and everyday. They truly enjoy each other's company. I am so thankful that not only they're close in age but also that they are both boys. I remember how upset I was to find out I would be having another baby so soon and upset again when I found out Chase was a boy but now I wouldn't trade it for anything! Here are a few of their favorite things to with Mr. Potato head, sit in their chairs while drinking milk, playing in the cabinet under the stove (really safe huh? It's the only one that doesn't have a shelf) and climbing into the drawer underneath the stove. Here are a few of the first adventures of many for these two boys!


All five of us! said...

Their so CUTE! I did the same thing when I found out of was pregnant with Koen but then after realized how AWESOME it is. Kaitin and Koen are so close! But now with three there's always one being left mostly Gavin! Koen's surgery is scheduled for the 30th. This means no trick or treating! I'm so bummed but excited to get this nasty thing out of him. Hope you have a GREAT rest of the week!

Hayley Hatch said...

What cute little boys! I can't wait to dress mine in matchy clothes! Those chairs with their names are adorable!

Anna said...

Gosh, I wish every day that Noah had a playmate! I kind of hope when we have another it's a boy so they can play together. Cute shirts - Noah has the same set! Sure do miss you.