Monday, August 17, 2009

Dinner with the Weber side of the family...

Unc and Grandma Diane (or "Bama" as Colby calls her) and Grandma Peggy came over for dinner. Colby ADORES Unc, I don't know what Garret did to get Colby to start his fan club but Colby is crazy about him...

Grandma totally spoils Colby, here he is getting away with picking out all of his own chips (out of the bag!) and dipping them in salsa...

After dinner it was bath time. Here is Chase helping me pick out jammies...

Grandma came to help me give the boys a bath, they love her and find her so entertaining!

After the bath I was taking some pictures of Chasey because he was being so cute with the mirror, I started noticing some red welts on him...
Right before my eyes they got worse and worse and his skin became really hot to the touch...
As you can see it didn't bother him at all...
Than the red spots began to raise up and I knew they were hives...
I called the doctor and by talking to him I was able to figure out it was the cleaner that was used in the bathtub. I gave him some benadryl and they went away. Phew! Of course, while I was on the phone with the doctor Colby started peeing on his bookshelf! Our house is never without adventure!!!

After that excitement we came downstairs to play for a little while...

Colby found Chasey's paci and thought he was being a funny guy by trying to put it in his mouth (he has no clue what to do with it, what a goofball!)

Chasey spent the rest of the evening snuggling with Grandma...

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