I usually wake up and feed and change Chase around 1am and again around 4am. Between 4 and 6 we will lay in bed but he never sleeps soundly after 4 (what a bummer!). Around 6:30 I will get up and pump. Here is Chase while I was pumping this morning, he was in such a great mood! Do you like his gown? I like to think it's a manly gown since it has baseballs on it!
Around 11:00 Colby is up and ready to get on with his day. I can almost always count on having to change poopy diapers from both Colby and Chase during this time which is why it is now labeled the 'poopy hour'.
Next it's time to play, this is when we start exploring all of the kitchen toys. It's about this time of day that I officially give up trying to keep the house clean. I sit on the floor in the kitchen with Colby and nurse Chase while Colby bangs away on pots and pans, reorganizes my plastic bags and pop cans and plays with as many non-sharp kitchen utensils as he can find.
Than it's time to eat lunch (this doesn't last long, Colby never has much of an appetite at lunch time). After lunch we always sweep the kitchen floor! Colby LOVES that job!
Colby wakes up from his nap around 4:00 this is when it gets a little crazy in our house. I try to get something organized for dinner but am not always successful and usually end up back on the kitchen floor with Chase in my lap and Colby crawling around me. This is my attempt at getting Colby's kisses on video...
As you can see...not too successful. I look like such a dork in this video but had to post it because it is so typical...staying at home with two little boys can make you feel like you're losing your mind but it is always an adventure!!!
And these are the reasons I cherish every moment with my boys...
Around 5 or 5:30 something very exciting happens...Daddy comes home!! This is something all three of us get very excited about. Than it's time for some dinner. And what would dinner be without dinner time conversation...
Than it's time for baths (usually 6:30). Jason gives Colby a bath in the tub while I give Chase one in the kitchen sink. We meet in our bedroom where we each have a little boy to lotion up, diaper and put jamies on. Than Jason swaddles Chase while I brush Colby's teeth and get his milk ready. Than we both head upstairs. I will rock Colby (if Chase isn't crying) and sing to him. We say night time prayers as a family and than all tuck Colby in (we aim for 7-7:30). I usually have to rush out early though because Chase is crying. Than I go downstairs and nurse Chase while Jason cleans up from dinner (I definately have the better job). If I'm really lucky Chase will lay down in his crib (around 8) and stay asleep...at least until 10:00 or so (than up again around midnight, 2am, ect...). By this time I have changed approximately 10 diapers, made three bottles, pumped at least once, nursed 8,000 times, prepared 3 meals, and done at least 1 load of laundry. Which is all completely worth it because I am blessed to be able to hang out with my two favorite people in the world. I get to watch them learn about the world around them. I get to kiss them whenever I want and usually get a few slobbery kisses in return. It is a busy and non-glamourous life but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Sorry for this long winded post. I am doing this largely for myself, so someday when I ask myself 'how did I do it?' I will read this and remember! :D
WOW. How often are you nursing Chase? I was very strict about a nursing schedule with Logan and plan on doing the same with this one. I nursed every hour with him for a few days and I felt like I was going crazy!!! Also, Logan is a sleeper-inner (like 'till 8 or 9) so I am very lucky in that aspect. I figure even if this next one is hell-on-wheels, Logan is pretty chill so he will hopefully balance the baby out :)
Anyway, you are AMAZING! These boys are lucky to have such a devoted, loving, fun, involved mom!!! Hang in there - they won't be little forever (or at least that's what people say, right? :))
That was great!! Having 2 kids is definately an adventure, but I am with you..there is nothing better. Your kids are adorable and you are such a great mom.
I'm so glad you posted this. I've thought about doing this, but I figured no one would really care to read it! I totally understand the going crazy part... and I only have ONE baby to deal with! You are doing an awesome job and your boys are so lucky to have you for a mama. :)
Oh Ashley - this is why they call Moms "angels." This is a bit of a rough road to get through, but I promise, you will get through it! I know how tough it is to be a stay at home Mommy to two little ones. Yes, it is rewarding, and I wouldn't change it for the world. But Mom's need a day off, too! Be kind to yourself; be sure to take an evening or afternoon off here and there when possible. Forget the kitchen. There will be no dusting emergencies. We'd all rather you kept updating the site with pictures and stories, anyway, when you have a few minutes;) Love you, girl! Keep up the amazing work. Everything you need to know about making this all work is already in your heart. Trust it!!You are taking wonderful care of those two little ones; that's why they choose you!
Angie Egan :)
Awww, Ash you're such a good mom. I love your family, and am very impressed with how you handle having two young boys. Speaking of little boys, I should go figure out why mine has pushed the coffee table across the living room. lol. staying home with them is the best!
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