Thursday, October 23, 2008

More Brother Pictures...

I will probably be posting TONS of these as time goes on. I just love pictures of the two of them together! Here Colby is giving Chase a kiss...
Chase is just chillin' while big brother thinks picture time is GREAT!
You can see Chase's bright blue eyes in this picture (and his big double chin) I'm not sure how long they'll stay blue but they sure are pretty!
Colby has grown an aversion to socks and takes them off of himself immediately after they're put on, he also takes them off of Chase. So instead of putting socks on boys twice I find myself putting them on over and over again!
Chase looks so handsome in his new Halloween onsie from Aunty Mindy!


Anna said...

Lol! As if it's not hard enough keeping socks on one baby... Colby just has to help! Too funny.

Hayley Hatch said...

Ha ha! Logan hates socks too. The other day I gave up and left them in the car - where he had taken them off - and some lady was like "Where are his socks? Oh, poor baby..." Don't you just love helpful strangers?