Thursday, September 25, 2008

Colby is 13 Months Old!

Colby is 13 months old today! I feel like this is a milestone for both of us, I am so relieved to know the boys will be at least 13 months apart! WAHOO! I took some pictures of him that I will post tomorrow, it takes FOREVER to upload pictures using this computer so I will not be posting as many as I have been.

Here are the things that a 13 month old Colby is up to...
1. Opening and closing cabinet doors and drawers
2. Playing hide and go seek
3. Being held upside down
4. His soft blankie
5. Food (especially watermelon, raisins, bananas and Baker's Square bread)
6. Water (it's his favorite beverage and he drinks tons of it!)
7. Remote controls, cell phones and other adult things that he shouldn't be playing with
8. Looking out the window
9. Shopping (he gets tons of attention which he eats up)
10. Going to the park, he especially loves the swings

1. When mommy or daddy take the remote or cell phone away
2. Loud noises (it makes him extra snuggly so Jase and I exploit this fear often!)
3. When mommy and daddy try to hold his hands and help him walk, he melts down on to the floor and throws a fit. Who needs to walk when you can crawl?

1. Fake laughing and crying/whining (we've gotten very good at this)
2. Singing
3. Standing without support briefly
4. Drinking out of straws
5. Using utensils (kind of)
6. Brushing teeth
7. Jumping while holding on to the edge of the crib (wonderful, he's already jumping in bed!)

13 month pictures will be posted at a later date! Oh and for all of those that are baby yet. I feel like I've been in labor for an entire week because I am almost always having contractions that are 10 minutes apart but I had an appointment yesterday and there have been no changes since the week before. I am just crossing my fingers that the baby waits until the 1st to be born because my mom will be here. And we still have no idea what we're going to name him so if you have any other suggestions please let us know!


Hayley Hatch said...

Ash! Hey! I was reading this baby name book at work yesterday and it had suggestions for names for brothers and you would look up a name and then find out what they think you should name the baby's brother or sister. Anyway, at first I thought it was totally dumb and then I looked up Logan and really like some of the brother and sister names! One of my favorite for a little girl (right now at least :)) Anyway, if you want me to I can look up Colby and see what pops up...
I am happy that you are still pregnant so that your Mom can hopefully be there. And the boys are officially (at least) 13 months apart. Yay! Hopefully you can deliver right away when your Mom gets there so you can have lots of Suska & baby & Colby time!
I am thinking of you so much lately and hoping all goes well. You are going to do awesome!

rameelin said...

Hi there!
I've been checking in every now and then and am so pleased to see that Jason is home and happy with you and Colby AT LAST! Things look like they've fallen right back into place! I knew they would! God is truly so awesome.

Nora and Braden are 13 months, 5 days apart. I've mentioned it to you a couple of times before, but you guys bring back so many memories for me. I'm praying that this boy of yours stays in until your mom is able to be there! You look great and sound up beat. I'm thinking of you all often. It's quite an adjustment but you guys are literally in the EXACT same situation we were in and things couldnt be better for our family now!!! You'll all do wonderfully and I cant wait to see new baby pictures and hear his name! God bless you guys!!!
Ash, I wanted to give you my email. Just thought if you wanted to talk at least you'd have it...
Would love to hear from you!

Anna said...

I'm so glad Baby #2 has waited this long... now he just needs to wait a little longer! I'm so glad your mom is coming out. There's no one like your own mom when it comes to knowing what you need and how to help.

I think I mentioned this before, but Kai (pronounced "kye") would be such a cool name. We know the most adorable little boy named Kai and it sounds good with Colby. I think it means "ocean" in some language... can't remember. Cameron was my vote on your poll. And just so you know, I only voted ONCE! No cheating here!

RickandRagan said...

We wish you the best of luck staying preggo for a little longer. Colby is such a cutey and I'm sure his brother will be just the same. Keep us updated and our vote is for Chase!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley,

Miss your smiling face at TCH. I can't wait to see you again and finally meet little Colby and the new little one. I am sure he will be just as beatiful as Colby and his Mommy and Daddy! Take care and when you are back in Parker, CO please give me a call. I would love to hang out with you and your babies!

Love Jessica