Friday, July 4, 2008

Colby's First Independence Day

I had to work from 6:45am-7:15pm today so my mom catalogued the day with my camera...

Here is Colby with his beautiful cousins, Sandi and Nikki...Colby's Daddy will be so proud, look at Colby making the most of his pool time surrounded by pretty older women (by that I mean highschool aged...)Good thing mommy wasn't there! She would have freaked out, a blue otter pop! Guess the organic diet is out the window...
Look at those curls!
All that partying wears a baby out. Colby took a little cat nap on cousin Sami (he is hanging on to the chair though, just incase she decides to set him down, he'll be prepared to hang on!)
Big smiles, so much for the cute 4th of July doesn't look so cute drenched in drool! My mom said the back massager was a big hit, Colby didn't want to mess around with the baby toys, he headed straight for the adult massage equipment!
Mommy finally got there after work, I was absolutely exhausted but always happy to see my little man. It's the best part of my day! I decided to wear my USMC shirt for my 4th of July outfit, in honor of Jase. This was the first 4th of July in 7 years that we've been apart! I can't wait for him to come home!Big hugs for Mommy!

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