Saturday, March 29, 2008

New Baby

Jason and I were suprised to hear that we are going to have two kiddos! It was the shock of a lifetime let me tell you! I had to have an ultrasound to see how far along I was, this was done in February when I was 9 weeks pregnant. I just kept looking at that baby thinking, 'who told you you could go in there!' I am 14 weeks pregnant today and reality is starting to sink in (as my tummy is starting to expand). It is going to be busy but I know God planned it this way for a reason. We are due September 27th (Daniel's birthday!) and Jason will be home by than so we are truly blessed for that!


Hayley Hatch said...

YEAH! Baby Weber has made it to the blog! I was waiting for his/her debut! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

rameelin said...

Hi Ashley!
I dont know if you remember me or not, but I was with you on the sgtgrit forum for a long time! I wanted to write to you with some encouragement because I am now a mommy of 2 babies who are 13 months apart. My husband left for his second deployment literally the day after we would have had to have conceived him...
needless to say, he missed the whole pregnancy. But--he was home for his birth and is home for good now with all of us! We are so incredibly blessed! God's timing for our lives is so blessed and although I know you already know it, just try to rely on His understanding and trust in the faithfulness of His word in your lives for this little baby! What a great blessing he or she will be! Your family is beautiful and strong the way it is and I cant wait to continue watching it grow! Please visit my blog and keep up with my family as I do yours!