Thursday, April 14, 2011

Colby's second attempt at visiting the dentist...

Anyone who knows Colby has seen his characteristic broken toothed grin. When he was 15 months old he was crawling and fell on the granite tile floor, chipping his front tooth. We made two attempts at getting it fixed, both were quite traumatic for Colby. When the second filling fell off two months later (the first filling lasted less than a week) we decided to just let it go, it was only a cosmetic fix and as long as it didn't bother Colby it didn't bother us. Needless to say the entire experience left Colby horribly afraid of doctors, mainly dentists. Our first appointment 6 months ago went really smoothly, until they needed him to lay down and he was having none of that. We decided to give it another go, this time he had a much more open mind. He investigated the tools and reluctantly agreed to lay down and let the dentist look inside. I could not get any pictures of this because I was draping my body over him (trying to hold him from the top you could say...) and singing to him. Chasey could even sense his fear and never left his brother's side, holding Colby's hand the entire time. So, we were successful! Every appointment is getting better! Thank goodness for a patient dentist and staff and for Colby's cooperation. He WILL have clean teeth after all!

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