Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Colby's First Dentist Appointment!!

Showing how he fights his sugar bugs.

He loves brushing those chompers, takes after his mommy in that department.

Chasey wanted to participate too! They were so sweet and gave him a toothbrush so he could try.

Getting some X-Rays!
Colby chipped his tooth when he was 14 months old while crawling on the tiled floor at our townhouse. We were in North Carolina at the time and we took him to see a pediatric dentist. The pediatric dentists are a little different there than they are here and other than coaxing and talking to kids if the child wasn't able to lay still than they just strapped them down to the table to get the work done. That did not fly with Colby and in someways I feel like he is still traumatized from that experience today. Now that he's three we decided it's time to start visiting the dentist regularly. I had no clue how it was going to go. They were great! He cooperated enough to let them get a good look at his chipped tooth and some Xrays (all show that it's fine and the dentist recommended just leaving it be until it falls out or starts to bother Colby). He wasn't quite ready to do a cleaning so they doctor just painted some fluoride on his teeth and sent him on his way. It was kind of crazy because I brought Chasey too and entertaining him while encouraging Colby was a challenge but we did it and I was able to cross something off the list!

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