Saturday, September 25, 2010

Colby and Chasey's Big Birthday Bash!

Chasey was the first kiddo on the fire engine!

He loves sitting in that truck!

The line of kiddos waiting to have a turn sitting in the Fire Engine...

My little firemen

I just love that smile!

I love how the boys are looking at Luke, Luke has a very happy face!

I love this pic, my boys are looking around acting like they've never had a picture taken...Luke and Ashley on the other hand, have on their perfect smiles.

That's a little better!

We love Logan!

It was really cool having the Fire Engine come to our house but I think my grandma, Bob, enjoyed it more than any of the kids!

Here's the fire engine at our house! Kind of crazy to see, I'm just glad it's here for a party and not an emergency!

Chasey checking out the back seat.

Bob wanted a picture taken so she could show it off to her cop sons (or at least that's what she said!)

The firemen were more than happy to get a really good picture with her, just feeding into the fireman/cop rivalry. Bob was really getting into her photo session too! What a cool grandma (and great grandma) we have!

My boys, all of them.

Our family...

I love those lashes.

My favorite part of being a parent is seeing the world through my children's eyes. This picture is exactly what I'm talking about. It is so amazing to see how excited the boys get over seeing a fire truck.

Chasey on the swings...

Our youngest birthday guest, Gabe. Look at those baby blues.

Some of the party guests. It is especially great to see my dad's parents, Nonnie and Poppa. They came all the way from North Denver! We love you guys!

Gabriel is seriously one of the cutest babies I've ever seen!

More Gabe (sorry Hayley, I was practically stalking your son!)

Chasey and his cake, he takes cake very seriously!

My cousins, Annie and Bella

And Brooke!

Our family with the cake (can you tell the boys were starting to get tired in this picture?

I am so blessed!

When I was looking through the pictures my girlfriend took for me I laughed outloud when I saw this one. I'm not sure who was having more fun with or the boys! :D And yes, that's a squirt bottle - we love squirt bottles at this house!

We're also really into tractors these days.

Chasey and Unc...

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