The outside of the dental office was decked out for Christmas, Colby hated it and would cling on for dear life as soon as we approached this inflatable snowman,
as you can see Chase didn't mind at all!

We took Colby to the dentist today and it was nothing short of an answer to prayer. We are fortunate because New Bern has it's own pediatric dentist (something that surprised me because it's such a small town). As I said earlier we missed the window to enroll Colby in dental so it's all out of pocket. To just be seen by the dentist was $65 but peace of mind was worth it and we both wanted to get him evaluated so we went ahead and made an appointment. They were able to get Colby in today. The dentist was so nice! He played puppets with Colby for a good 5 minutes before even attempting an evaluation. He than positioned Colby so he was still in my lap but he could also get a good look of his teeth. He said he would definately need to build up the tooth on the left and file the tooth on the right. He didn't think Colby needed a crown (since he's so young and he'll lose the tooth anyway) and said he could build it up with a filling. When I asked how much it would be he told me to talk to the front desk lady and she would figure it out, he had no idea how much they charged for stuff. We talked a little more and I explained our situation and he said, "it sounds like you guys could use a little break! What if I could do it for $60, would that be do-able for your family?" I almost fell off the chair! I was expecting it would be hundreds of dollars to fix. He will be able to fix his teeth and it's affordable. God answers prayer! We have an appointment to get it fixed on Wednesday. It is going to be horrible at best. They don't sedate kids so Colby will be strapped down to a board while he fixes it. I am dreading that but know that it will be much better once it's done.
Wow, Ash, your hair looks fabulous! I've never seen it that short before. You have such beautiful hair. I was wondering how you had time to mess with it being so long with two little ones to run around after. I have trouble finding time the time to do mine and mine is SHORT! :) Praise God for his provision for dental care. That is GREAT news!
I'm gonna go ahead and say that your hair is really cute even though people have already commented. And I'm glad everything worked out.
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